Elston, T.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2025) Context-dependent decision-making in the primate hippocampal-prefrontal circuit. Nature Neuroscience.
Muller, T.H., Butler, J.L., Veselic, S., Miranda, B., Wallis, J.D., Dayan, P., Behrens, T.E.J., Kurth-Nelson, Z., and Kennerley, S.W. (2024) Distributional reinforcement learning in cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 27, 403-408.
Balewski, Z.Z., Elston, T.W., Knudsen, E.B., and Wallis, J.D. (2023) Value dynamics in orbitofrontal cortex drive the choice response in anterior cingulate cortex during decision-making. Nature Neuroscience, 26, 1575-1583.
Chien, J., Wallis, J.D., and Rich, E.L. (2023) Abstraction of reward context facilitates relative reward coding in dorsal and ventral anterior cingulate cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 5944-5962.
Zippi, E.L., Shvartsman, G.F., Vendrell-Llopis, N., Wallis, J.D., Carmena, J.M. (2023) Distinct neural representations during a brain-machine interface and manual reaching task in motor cortex, prefrontal cortex, and striatum. Scientific Reports, 13, 17810.
Constantinidis, C., Ahmed, A., Wallis, J.D., and Batista, A.P. (2023) Common mechanisms of learning in motor and cognitive systems. Journal of Neuroscience, 43, 7523-7529.
Balewski, Z.Z., Knudsen, E.B., and Wallis, J.D. (2022) Fast and slow contributions to decision making in corticostriatal circuits. Neuron, 110, 2170-2182.
Knudsen, E.B. and Wallis, J.D. (2022) Taking stock of value in orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 23, 428-438.
Chiang, F, Wallis, J.D., and Rich, E.L. (2022) Cognitive strategies shift information from single neurons to populations in prefrontal cortex. Neuron, 110, 709-721.
Elston, T.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2022) Decoding cognition in real-time. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26, 1073-1075.
Knudsen, E.B. and Wallis, J.D. (2021) Hippocampal neurons encode an abstract relational value space. Cell, 184, 4640-4650.
Llorens, A. et al. (2021) Gender bias in academia: a lifetime problem that needs solutions. Neuron, 109, 2047-2074.
Dixon, T.C., Merrick, C.M., Wallis, J.D., Ivry, R.B., and Carmena, J.M. (2021) Hybrid dedicated and distributed coding in PMd/M1 provides separation and interaction of bilateral arm signals. PLoS Computational Biology, 17, e1009615.
Knudsen, E.B. and Wallis, J.D. (2020) Closed-loop theta stimulation in orbitofrontal cortex prevents reward-based learning. Neuron, 106, 537-547.
Enel, P., Wallis, J.D. and Rich, E.L. (2020) Stable and dynamic representation of value in the prefrontal cortex. eLife.
Donoghue, T., Haller, M., Peterson, E.J., Varme, P., Sebastian, P., Goa, R., Noto, T., Lara, A.H., Wallis, J.D., Knight, R.T., Shestyuk, A., and Voytek, B. (2020) Parameterizing neural power spectra. Nature Neuroscience, 23, 1655-1665.
Knudsen, E.B., Balewski, Z.Z. and Wallis, J.D. (2019) A model-based approach for targeted neurophysiology in the behaving non-human primate. IEEE Neural Engineering (NER), 9, 195-198.
Wallis, J.D. (2019) Reward. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 163, 281-294.
Wallis, J.D. (2018) Decoding cognitive processes from neural ensembles. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 1091-1102.
Cavanagh, S.E., Towers, J.P., Wallis, J.D., Hunt, L.T. and Kennerley, S.W. (2018) Reconciling persistent and dynamic hypotheses of working memory coding in prefrontal cortex. Nature Communications.
Chiang, F-K. and Wallis, J.D. (2018) Spatiotemporal encoding of search strategies by prefrontal neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 5010-5015.
Chiang, F-K. and Wallis, J.D. (2018) Neuronal encoding in prefrontal cortex during hierarchical reinforcement learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30, 1197-1208.
Rich, E.L. and Wallis, J.D. (2017) Spatiotemporal dynamics of information encoding in orbitofrontal high gamma. Nature Communications, 8, 1139.
Santacruz, S.R., Rich, E.L., Wallis, J.D., and Carmena, J.M. (2017) Caudate microstimulation increases value of specific choices. Current Biology, 27, 3375-3383.
Rich, E.L. and Wallis, J.D. (2016) Decoding subjective decisions from orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 19, 973-80.
Rich, E.L. and Wallis, J.D. (2016) What stays the same in orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 19, 768-70.
Cavanagh, S.E., Wallis, J.D., Kennerley, S.W. and Hunt, L.T. (2016) Autocorrelation structure at rest predicts value correlates of single neurons during reward-guided choice. eLIFE.
Hunt, L.T., Behrens, T.E., Hosokawa, T., Wallis, J.D. and Kennerley, S.W. (2015) Capturing the temporal evolution of choice across prefrontal cortex. eLIFE.
Lara, A.H. and Wallis, J.D. (2015) The role of prefrontal cortex in working memory: a mini review. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
Lara, A.H. and Wallis, J.D. (2014) Executive control processes underlying multi-item working memory. Nature Neuroscience, 37, 876-883.
Murray, J.D., Bernacchia, A., Freedman, D.J., Romo, R., Wallis, J.D., Cai, X., Padoa-Schioppa, C., Pasternak, T., Seo, H., Lee, D., Wang, X.J. (2014) A hierarchy of intrinsic timescales across primate cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 17, 1661-1663.
Rich, E.L. and Wallis, J.D. (2014) Medial-lateral organization of the orbitofrontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26, 1347-1362.
Diuk, C., Tsai, K., Wallis, J.D., Botvinick, M.M. and Niv, Y. (2013) Hierarchical learning induces two simultaneous, but separable, prediction errors in human basal ganglia. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 5795-5805.
Hosokawa, T., Kennerley, S.W., Sloan, J. and Wallis, J.D. (2013) Single-neuron mechanisms underlying cost-benefit analysis in frontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 17385-17397.
Luk, C. and Wallis, J.D. (2013) Choice coding in frontal cortex during stimulus-guided or action-guided decision-making. Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 1864-71.
Rich, E.L. and Wallis, J.D. (2013) Prefrontal-amygdala interactions underlying value coding. Neuron, 80, 1344-1346.
Wallis, J.D. (2013) Inferring the value of the world. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 17, 53-54.
Wallis, J.D. and Rushworth, M.F.S. (2013) Integrating benefits and costs in decision-making. In: Neuroeconomics: decision-making and the brain, 2nd edition, Glimcher, Fehr, Camerer, Poldrack (eds.), Academic Press, 399-421.
Lara, A.H. and Wallis, J.D. (2012) Capacity and precision in an animal model of visual short-term memory. Journal of Vision, 12, 1-12.
Wallis, J.D. and Kennerley, S.W. (2012) The functional role of reward signals in different prefrontal areas. In: Principles of Frontal Lobe Function, 2nd edition, Stuss, Knight (eds.), Oxford University Press, 69-78.
Miller, E.K. and Wallis, J.D. (2012) The prefrontal cortex and executive brain functions. In: Fundamental Neuroscience, 4th edition, Squire, Berg, Bloom, Lac, Ghosh, Spitzer (eds.), Academic Press, 1069-1089.
Ganguly K., Dimitriov, D.F., Wallis J.D. and Carmena J.M. (2011) Reversible large-scale modification of cortical networks during neuroprosthetic control. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 662-667.
Kennerley, S.W., Behrens, T.E. and Wallis, J.D. (2011) Double dissociation of value computations in orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 14, 1581-1589.
Wallis, J.D. (2011) Cross-species studies of orbitofrontal function. Nature Neuroscience, 15, 13-19.
Wallis, J.D. (2011) The dynamics of learning and behavioral flexibility. Neuron, 6, 959-961.
Wallis, J.D. and Kennerley, S.W. (2011) Contrasting reward signals in orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1239, 33-42.
Wallis, J.D. and Rich, E.L. (2011) Challenges in differentiating value signals in prefrontal cortex. Fropnties in Neuroscience, 5, 124.
Canolty, R.T., Ganguly, K., Kennerley, S.W., Cadieu, C.F., Koepsell, K., Wallis, J.D. and Carmena, J.M. (2010) Oscillatory phase coupling coordinates anatomically-dispersed functional cell assemblies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 17356-61.
Wallis, J.D. and Kennerley, S.W. (2010) Heterogeneous value signals in prefrontal cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 20, 191-8.
Wallis, J.D. (2010) Polar exploration. Nature Neuroscience (News and Views), 13, 7-8.
Wallis, J.D. (2010) Executive control circuits. In: Primate Neuroethology, Ghazanfar, Platt (eds.), Oxford University Press, 405-421.
Ganguly, K., Secundo, L., Ranade, G., Osborn, A., Chang, E., Dimitrov, D., Wallis, J.D., Barbaro, N., Knight, R.T. and Carmena, J. (2009) Cortical representation of ipsilateral arm movements in monkey and man. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 12948-56.
Kennerley, S.W., Dahmubed, A.F., Lara, A.H. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Neurons in the frontal lobe encode the value of multiple decision variables. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1162-78.
Kennerley, S.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Encoding of reward and space during a working memory task in the orbitofrontal cortex and anterior cingulate sulcus. Journal of Neurophysiology, 29, 3352-64.
Kennerley, S.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Evaluating choices by single neurons in the frontal lobe: outcome value encoded across multiple decision variables. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 2061-2073. (Featured article. Commentary: Walton, M.E.)
Kennerley, S.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Reward-dependent modulation of working memory in lateral prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 3259-3270.
Lara, A.H., Kennerley, S.W. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Encoding of gustatory working memory by orbitofrontal neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 765-774.
Luk, C. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Dynamic encoding of responses and outcomes by neurons in medial prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 7426-7539.
Miller, E.K. and Wallis, J.D. (2009) Executive function and higher-order cognition: Definitions and neural substrates. In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Volume 4, Squire (ed.), Academic Press, 99-104.
Bunge, S.A. and Wallis, J.D. (2008) Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior. Oxford University Press.
Miller, E.K. and Wallis, J.D. (2008) The prefrontal cortex and executive brain functions. Fundamental Neuroscience, 3rd edition.
Wallis, J.D. (2008) Single neuron activity underlying behavior-guiding rules. In: Neuroscience of Rule-Guided Behavior, Bunge, Wallis (eds.), Oxford University Press, 23-45.
Wallis, J.D. (2007) Neuronal mechanisms in prefrontal cortex underlying adaptive choice behavior. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1121, 447-460.
Wallis, J.D. (2007) Prefrontal representations underlying goal-directed behavior. In: Representation and Brain, Funahashi (ed.), Springer-Verlag, 287-310.
Wallis, J.D. (2007) Orbitofrontal cortex and its contribution to decision-making. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 30, 31-56.
Muhammad, R., Wallis, J.D. and Miller, E.K. (2006) A comparison of abstract rules in the prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex, inferior temporal cortex, and striatum. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 974-989.
Wallis, J.D. (2006) Evaluating apples and oranges. Nature Neuroscience (News and Views), 9, 596-598.
Bunge, S.A., Wallis, J.D., Parker, A., Brass, M., Crone, E.A., Hoshi, E. and Sakai, K. (2005) Neural circuitry underlying rule use in humans and nonhuman primates. Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 10347-10350.
Miller, E.K. and Wallis, J.D. (2004) Volition and the prefrontal cortex. In: The Visual Neurosciences, Chalupa, Werner (eds.), MIT Press, 1546-1560.
Bunge, S.A., Kahn, I., Wallis, J.D., Miller, E.K. and Wagner, A.D. (2003) Neural circuits subserving the retrieval and maintenance of abstract rules. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90, 3419-3428.
Miller, E.K., Freedman, D.J. and Wallis, J.D. (2003) The prefrontal cortex: categories, concepts and cognition. In: The Physiology of Cognitive Processes, Parker, Derrington, Blakemore (eds.). Oxford University Press, 252-273.
Miller, E.K., Nieder, A., Freedman, D.J. and Wallis, J.D. (2003) Neural correlates of categories and concepts. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 13, 198-203.
Wallis, J.D. and Miller, E.K. (2003) Neuronal activity in dorsolateral and orbital prefrontal cortex of the monkey during performance of a reward preference task. European Journal of Neuroscience, 18, 2069-2081.
Wallis, J.D. and Miller, E.K. (2003) From rule to response: neuronal processes in the premotor and prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 90, 1790-1806.
Miller, E.K. and Wallis, J.D. (2002) The prefrontal cortex and executive brain functions. In: Fundamental Neuroscience, 2nd Edition, Squire, Bloom, Roberts, Zigmond, McConnell, Spitzer (eds.), Academic Press, 1353-1376.
Miller, E.K., Freedman, D.J. and Wallis, J.D. (2002) The prefrontal cortex: categories, concepts, and cognition. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences. 357:1123-1136.
Crofts, H.S., Wallis, J.D., Herrero, M.T., Del Vecchio, A., Collins, P., Everitt, B.J., Robbins, T.W. and Roberts, A.C. (2001) Frontostriatal involvement in the inhibitory control of behavior. Brain and Cognition, 47, 37-40.
Wallis, J.D., Anderson, K.C. and Miller, E.K. (2001) Single neurons in the prefrontal cortex encode abstract rules. Nature, 411, 953-956.
Wallis, J.D., Dias, R., Robbins, T.W. and Roberts, A.C. (2001) Dissociable contributions of the orbitofrontal and lateral prefrontal cortex of the marmoset to performance on a detour reaching task. European Journal of Neuroscience, 13, 1797-1808.
Wallis, J.D., Dias, R., Robbins, T.W. and Roberts, A.C. (2001) Inhibitory control and affective processing in the prefrontal cortex of the common marmoset. Brain and Cognition, 47, 50-53.
Crofts, H.S., Wallis, J.D., Herrero, M.T., Del Vecchio, A., Collins, P., Everitt, B.J., Robbins, T.W. and Roberts, A.C. (2000) Re-evaluation of the role of the caudate nucleus in cognition. European Journal of Neuroscience, 12, 315-315 Suppl. S.
Roberts, A.C. and Wallis, J.D. (2000) Inhibitory control and affective processing in the prefrontal cortex: neuropsychological studies in the common marmoset. Cerebral Cortex, 10, 252-262.